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Image Description

Squamous cell carcinomas usually arise centrally in a main or lobar bronchus and appear as a large hilar or perihilar mass (as seen in this image). One third of cases arise peripherally or even subpleurally.

The tumor surface is whitish-gray often speckled with black deposits of anthracotic pigment. There are soft, friable areas of necrosis which frequently cause central cavitation within the tumor.

The tumors may form an endobronchial polypoid mass which may infiltrate through the bronchial wall into the lung parenchyma. The bronchial mucosa adjacent to the tumor frequently contains full spectrum of histologic changes, including squamous metaplasia, dysplasia, and carcinoma-in-situ. Obstruction of the bronchial lumen can result in atelectasis, obstructive bronchopneumonia, and bronchiectasis.

This autopsy specimen shows an 11.0 cm tumor near hilum in an elderly male. Histologically, it was a moderately-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. Image Copyright:

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