Image Description
The stroma of pleomorphic adenoma (PA) is synthesized by the myoepithelial cells and can have myxoid to chondromyxoid, fibrous or vascular appearance. This image of PA shows a circumscribed tumor with peripheral epithelial component with acinar and tubular pattern and inner stromal component made up of chondroidmyxoid matrix. Grossly, the foci of cartilaginous differentiation appear translucent bluish-white. This feature is commonly seen in parotid and submandibular tumors. PA arising in minor salivary glands rarely show cartilaginous matrix production.
About the Disease
Clinical: Salivary gland neoplasms make up 2% to 6.5% of all neoplasms of head and neck region. They occur over a wide age range but the peak incidence is in 6th to 7th decades with a slight female predominance. Patients usually present with a well-defined painless swelling in front of or behind the ear (parotid tumors). The risk factors include radiation exposure, familial predisposition, tobacco use (smokers have 8 times higher risk of developing Warthins tumor than nonsmokers.), exposure to industrial chemicals, and certain viruses (EBV, HIV). Morphology: Majority of the salivary gland neoplasms involve the parotid gland. Approximately 75% of cases are benign and 80% to 90% are of epithelial origin. Benign neoplasms are more common in major salivary glands whereas malignant neoplasms represent greater proportion of the tumors in the minor salivary glands. The most common benign salivary gland neoplasm is pleomorphic adenoma. Most salivary gland tumors exhibit polymorphic growth pattern and some may have dual cell composition. The tumors are classified according to cell types of the normal salivary gland toward which they differentiate as epithelial, myoepithelial, ductal, and non-epithelial (mesenchymal). Morphologic features like invasion beyond capsule, perineural invasion, and lympho-vascular invasion are associated with malignancy. Due to overlapping histologic features between some benign and malignant salivary gland tumors, the distinction between them is not always possible in limited biopsies. In such cases, complete excision is recommended. Fine needle aspiration biopsy is a useful initial diagnostic tool in assessing a salivary gland neoplasm. Ref: 1. Atlas of Head and Neck Pathology by Bruce Wenig, MD, Third edition, 2016; 2. Pathologic basis of Disease, Eighth edition, 2010.