Image Description
Myxoma Syndrome: About 5-10% of cardiac myxomas (CM) are familial (autosomal dominant) and occur as a component of Carney Complex which consists of:
About this image: Cutaneous and mucocutaneous pigmentation in a 9 y/o girl with Carney Complex. Multiple non-elevated brown-black spots are present on the face, the vermilion borders of lips, and the upper eyelids. Image Source: Courcoutsakis NA et al. The complex of myxomas, spotty skin pigmentation and endocrine overactivity (Carney complex): imaging findings with clinical and pathological correlation. Insights Imaging. 2013 Feb; 4(1): 119-133; image cropped from the original and used under Creative Common Attribution License.
- Primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical hyperplasia causing Cushing syndrome
- Lentigines, ephelides, and blue nevi of the skin & mucosae
- Myxomas of skin, heart, breast (myxoid mammary fibroadenomas) & other locations
- Psammomatous melanotic schwannoma, large cell calcifying Sertoli cell tumor, growth hormone-producing pituitary adenoma
About this image: Cutaneous and mucocutaneous pigmentation in a 9 y/o girl with Carney Complex. Multiple non-elevated brown-black spots are present on the face, the vermilion borders of lips, and the upper eyelids. Image Source: Courcoutsakis NA et al. The complex of myxomas, spotty skin pigmentation and endocrine overactivity (Carney complex): imaging findings with clinical and pathological correlation. Insights Imaging. 2013 Feb; 4(1): 119-133; image cropped from the original and used under Creative Common Attribution License.